About Birhua the Cockatiel. [Sona Lore Page]

Hi, I'm Birhua. I'm a cowboy cockatiel bird. I have a long history, and I'm happy to document as much of it as I can on this little webpage. Enjoy.

Birhua's Origin Story

My earliest memory is from back when I was still in the nest, with me and my siblings. Our parents would do the normal bird routine, which is to go out and find food, and then come back to the nest. Well one day, we sensed that something was a bit off, and as it turns out, we were in fact right.

On that fateful day, we watched in horror as our parents suddenly turned on each other, it was the loudest they had ever squawked, and they even attacked each other with beaks and talons a few times, but no serious injuries. One flew off, and soon the other followed suit.

From that day onward, we had to teach ourselves the skills needed to survive, like hunting for food, and finding shelter. We supported each other in learning how to live, and then went our separate ways, leaving the nest behind entirely.

How did Birhua become a cowboy?

It all started when I put on a cowboy hat, and somebody took a picture of it, saying it looked cute.

I then decided to become a cowboy, since at the time I had nothing else to do. It just became a fun hobby to me, the herding of cattle, the horse training, the farming, it's just something fun to use my time on. My hobby helps support my life and earn me money as well, so it's also my job.

More lore coming soon.

Disclaimer: All of the content on this page is fictional.